
New Territory!

This thread keeps getting longer and longer....the more I pull, the more this concept and my deep fascination grows. The evolved jellyfish, on all levels, is the unearthing of something beyond this time and space.  It sounds so cryptic and to anyone that isn't me I probably sound insane but I guess there is an 'artistic bigger picture' within these works and over time hopefully, as I understand it more, it too will be revealed. =)

Colour Channeling

Often I think it is just me but seeing really bright, vibrant, bold colours especially in nature or natural things completely inspires me and I am in awe of what surrounds us. Each and every day, wherever I go, or whatever I do, I must take a million snap shots in my head of all the colours around us and want to recreate them on canvas. 

Recently I received these beautiful flowers from a wonderful friend of mine and since the day they have arrived I have been in a trance! All I can think of is running out to the art shop and getting a ton of bright, bold paints and just letting the colours explode everywhere!  Knowing me however, when I am feeling like this it will be probably be a huge creative eruption and the work will end up in the 'colour gone crazy pile' like dozens of artworks before them haha.

I guess that's what that thing 'restraint' or 'direction' is for....channeling the right colours and using them in a expressive way that best represents what I am trying to convey. But you know what?'s just like nah hahaha buy the damn paints and let it explode! =)

Yes...I got that all from colourful flowers =P

Stef xxx


Walking the unknown path...

I have spent days searching for words to write a profound and inspirational post about 'walking the unknown path'. After about half a dozen attempts I stopped and realised that what I was trying to articulate was something that I can only instinctively grasp right now myself.

So instead of forcing it, I decided to post a photo of this beautiful old rock wall jetty where I often walk, look out to the vast stretch of ocean and feel inspired. Also this quote by an amazing poet who was defiant, unconventional and ahead of her time.

"I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I am going is what inspires me to travel it."

- Rosalia De Castro

Says it